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Mosaic Thinking – Making Many Parts, Shapes and Styles Blend

350px AirTight Glass LogoWhen you walk in the front door at AirTight, one of the first things you see is a beautiful piece of art hanging on the wall. This isn’t just a piece of canvas hanging there, it is a mosaic of recycled glass, cut into many shapes and sizes to create our logo. A good friend of ours, Edwin Gil, www.edwingil.com, was commissioned to create it for us. He used a technique called “UpCycling.”

When I walk in, I usually look at the piece and it reminds me of our company, not in name only, but how we as a corporate entity are made up of many shapes, sizes and colors. Kind of like the mosaic piece, but with a heartbeat.

Over time I have grown to appreciate all of the unique characteristics of people, what makes us tick, why we do what we do and when we do it. This evolving mindset allows me to really think through the whole blend of AirTight, not just employees, but including the varied mosaic pieces of customers, vendors, partners, friends, family, etc. You can create a circle, or an orb anyway, of a pretty large number of people.

What does all this mean? Yes, I have been thinking about that as well. For me, it means we have a wide variety of really great people in our mosaic. Skilled people that care, are ambitious, and want to learn. With this type of thinking, we have to continuously find new ways to serve the people in our mosaic now and those that will be added to our mosaic as time goes on.

My challenge to you is this: Create your own mosaic out of your tribe of folks. If you don’t have a tribe, get one. People need to belong, we all want to be part of something grand, something bigger than ourselves. Not many people get up looking for an opportunity to just get by, people want to thrive, and sometimes all they need is to find where their piece fits.

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